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Charlie Chatham Scholarship Recipients

The Charlie Chatham Scholarships are named in honor of a deceased UAW Local 211 member. Brother Chatham worked tirelessly to promote our local union and gave tirelessly of himself to charitable causes within the Defiance community. He was a friend to many and kind to all. Brother Chatham is sorely missed but not forgotten. Young persons who are rewarded with the Charlie Chatham Scholarships will know about his sacrifices for others and their causes. Hopefully, they will pay tribute to his memory by doing likewise.

Ron Bendele
Kathy Reynolds
Ricky Johns
Sandy Stanfield

The scholarship committee screens entries and makes sure college scholarships are awarded fairly. In 2009, UAW Local 211 awarded ten (10) $500 scholarships. The particular number and amount of the scholarships vary by year as determined by the Executive Board. These one-year scholarship awards are disbursed by the institution of higher learning. To be eligible, the applicant must be a freshman, sophomore, junior or senior in an institution of higher learning or a high school senior. Only one (1) scholarship is awarded per UAW sponsor. The committee further reviews and updates the rules and qualifications necessary to be eligible for UAW Local 211 scholarships.

Scholarships are awarded on the basis of a lottery-type drawing held at the UAW Executive Board meeting.

Scholarship Announcements


2025 Scholarship Recipients of $500.00
Kinley Maynard
Sophia Kerr Kelsey Wagner Danielle Weyrauch Ella Hoffman

2025 Alternate Scholarship Recipients
Allison Schroeder Ally Schindler

2024 Scholarship Recipients of $500.00
Keagan Maynard
Allison Schroeder
Hannah Huddle
Katie Rettig
Callie Seedorf

2024 Alternate Scholarship Recipients
Stevie Rieger Alexus Miles

2023 Scholarship Recipients of $500.00
Alexander Vankham
Callie Seedorf
Alexus Miles
Gavin Askins
Abigail Stucker

2023 Alternate Scholarship Recipients
Kelsey Wagner Ashley Rieger

2022 Scholarship Recipients of $500.00
Stevie Rieger Callie Seedorf
Emma Fedderke
Jake Stucker
Haley Fuller

2022 Alternate Scholarship Recipients
Garrett Miller
Audrey Rittenhouse

2021 Scholarship Recipients of $500.00
Kelsey Wagner
Stevie Rieger
Camryn Hoffman
Mackenzie Willits
Isaac Schindler

2021 Alternate Scholarship Recipients
Alexus Miles
Garrett Miller
Jacob Miller

2020 Scholarship Recipients of $500.00
Mitchell Breckler
Alexus Miles
Camryn Hoffman
Jacob Miller
A.J. Wagner

2020 Alternate Scholarship Recipients
Claire Seedorf
Ashley Rieger

2018 Scholarship Recipients of $500.00
Taylor Rieger
Bradley Boecker
Jacob Miller
Alec Wagner
Claire Seedorf
McKalynn Schroeder

2017 Scholarship Recipients of $500.00
Nicholas Daman
Katie Wagner Bailey Cline
Paige Snyder Allie Teats
Danielle Rieger

2017 Alternate Scholarship Recipients
Claire Seedorf
Kelli Kramer Megan Breckler

2016 Scholarship Recipients of $500.00
Sydney Cramer-Bodenbender
Marissa Vennekotter
Alec Wagner
Kylee Tressler
Eric D. Warnecke

2016 Scholarship Recipients of $250.00
Madison Hermiller
Ryan Kimmet

2016 Alternate Scholarship Recipients
Sean Mack
Danielle Rieger
Kennedy Hoffman
Chandler Kelly
Taylor Cooper

2015 Scholarship Recipients of $500.00
Taylor Cooper Karen Krontz
A. J. Wagner
Marissa Mesker
Eric Warnecke
Madison Hermiller
Kendyl Baxter
Derek Verhoff
Sean Mack
Ariel Comer

2015 Alternate Scholarship Recipients
Shawna Siefker
Kier Leatherman
Kecia Kramer
Brandon Schmersal
Justin Verhoff

2014 Scholarship Recipients of $500.00
Katelyn Niese
Madison Hermiller
Sydney Bodenbender
Abby Vennekotter
Kimberly Schnipke
Taylor Cooper
Ariel Comer
Samantha Dalton
Dana Cattell
Derek Verhoff

2014 Alternate Scholarship Recipients
Marissa Vennekotter
Travis Beardsley Dakota Lause
Erin Mack

2013 Scholarship Recipients of $500.00
Travis Beardsley
Taylor Cooper
Logan Doster
Christy Ellerbrock
Tyler Hoffman
Dakota Lause
Keir Leatherman
Nicholas Morin
Aaron Urivez
Marissa Vennekotter

2013 Alternate Scholarship Recipients
Nicholas Lamb
Candace McCullough
Dana Otto
Alyssa Verhoff
Eric Warnecke

2012 Scholarship Recipients of $500.00
Anthony Brown Kara Mendez  Alexandra Bishop Cassie Siefker  Devin Warnecke
Taylor Cooper Sean Morin Erin Mack Nick Lopez Janet Jones

2012 Alternate Scholarship Recipients
Alyssa Verhoff Ryan Lamb Bryant Warnecke Travis Beardsley Candace McCullough

2011 Scholarship Recipients of $500.00
Jeremy Hughes Devon Johnson Derek Woods Kelley Pester Travis Beardsley
Tyler Bolton Alice Verhoff Jessica Stevens Dakota Lause Jennifer Donaldson

2011 Alternate Scholarship Recipients
Jessica Smith Janet Jones Dana Otto Drew Mesker Cassie Siefker

2010 Scholarship Recipients of $500.00
Abbey Vennekotter  Bryant Sheppard  Ryan Lamb  Candace McCullough  Jason Wenner 
Jennifer Donaldson  Christopher Kahle  Benjamin Wiswell  Matt Vennekotter  Trent Bolton 

2010 Alternate Scholarship Recipients
Jennifer Burgei  Andrea Ankney  Josh Dunlap  Dana Otto  Devin Warnecke 

2009 Scholarship Recipients of $500.00
Deandra Hillman   Alan Verhoff   Trent Bolton   Neal Lammers   Samual Mock  
Andrew Meyer   Josh Dunlap   Brooke Gearig   Megan Hall   Logan Lucas  

2009 Alternate Scholarship Recipients
Kevin Weirauch   Ryan Lamb   David Breckler   Kara Mendez   Tyler Bolton  
Kendra Womack   Jamie Lyn Ricker   Jennifer Burgei   Corey Lamp   Kenneth Skeldon  






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