Febraury Report


    Welcome back; it has been a while since we had a newsletter so I would like to catch everyone up with some information you might have missed.  You now have $350 to any major drugstore for non-prescription drugs.   These can be used on things such as toothpaste, band aids, shampoo etc. Your spouse is also entitled to vouchers as well.  This benefit must be used by the end of the year and cannot be carried over.

    Our Christmas Retiree Party was a huge success.  We had over 225 people who attended.  We were served sirloin tips, chicken breast, potatoes and corn with a salad and dessert.  The meal was prepared and served by Lock 16.  We apologize for having to raise the ticket price but just like everything else, the cost of food increased.  There were over 200 gifts to take chances on which is more than we ever had in the past.
This was the best Christmas Party so far.  We hope you can make it again next year.  We would like to thank the Recreation Committee for their hard work decorating the Hall for Christmas.  Bob and Cindy Suffel, Carol Miller, Bob and Peggy Sponsler and Lydia and Ralph Fleming. We appreciate the hard work.  Also, thank you to Sara Bennett, Toni McBroom, Bill and Nylice Thomas, Ted Fleming and myself for donating a lot of the gifts and wrapping all those presents for the party.

    As of the December meeting we have a total of 50 associate members;this is great and we would like to welcome more.
To keep our records current and up to date, it is encouraged for our associate members to pay their dues in as soon as possible for the year. There is still time to do this, just come to the Hall and see Lisa Rankin and she will take care of you.

    Hope to see you next month at our March 6th Retiree meeting.  Doors open at 9:30 A.M., food is served at 10:30 A.M. and the meeting begins at 12:00 Noon.

 In solidarity,

Ivan Burgei
Local 211, UAW