June Retiree Report ![]() Let’s begin by the planning of Grandparents/Grandkids Day. Everything has been approved and consignments have been reserved for this day of fun and fan-fair. This will be held at our UAW Park on July 6th with a rain date on the 13th. The activities will begin at 11:30 A.M. and end around 3:30 P.M. with pony rides, bouncy rides, snow cones, face paintings, food and most of all live music; so bring a lawn chair and enjoy the day with your grandkids, past fellow co-workers and friends. The new picnic tables are finished with the donors and dedicated plaques names on them. If anyone else is interested in purchasing a table for the park, please see myself or Ted Fleming. The concrete for the shelter house is poured and completed, thanks to the Executive Board and the members for approving this. This was a project long overdue. Thanks everyone who helped make this possible. The park is now open to the public. Let’s try to keep it clean for future gatherings. I would like to thank all who supported me for Trustee. I am writing to express my sincere appreciation to the membership for allowing me to serve as Chairman of Local 211 Trustee for the past three years. I also want to congratulate the newly elected officers and wish them the very best. May God grant them the wisdom to make the right decisions for the good of us all. As Trustee my goal was to help with the restoration of our UAW Park to what it once was. The goal was to get rid of the port-a-potties, get water to the restrooms, install water fountains, repair & paint playground equipment, replace several picnic tables and repair flooring in the Shelter House. My wife Lisa and I donated numerous days and many hours to help this become a reality. Some of these changes did not come easy. At times they were difficult to carry out. However, it is the gratification of knowing that these improvements have been good for our members, families and the community. I hope the new administration will work with the same vigor. In Solidarity, Ivan Burgei Local 211, UAW Retiree Recording Secretary |